• Mimicmii is a platform that connects subject enthusiasts and experts including professionals in skilled trade (cook, electrician, plumber, carpenter, etc.), chemistry, psychology, biology, physics, finance, zoology, entomology, and other industries to help advance computer vision models for robots and more capable AI.

  • Candidates should have a minimum of general subject understanding in the focused domain.

  • Rates vary based on the domain of focus and your qualifications.

  • Payments are distributed to your individual account balance and available for withdrawal monthly or quarterly. Payments are distributed to your preferred option between PayPal and AirTM.

  • Know Your Customer, often abbreviated as KYC, is a regulatory requirement to verify customer identities. This process is a crucial part of anti-illegal activity measures and is designed to prevent illegal activities.

    KYC procedures involve collecting and verifying a customer's personal information, such as their full legal name, date of birth, and address. This information is usually verified using government-issued identification like a passport or driver's license.

  • The KYC process starts by asking customers to provide a range of general information, which can include a user's name, date of birth, and address (amongst other pertinent and verifiable data), which is supplemented with government-issued documentation. Once the KYC process has started, financial institutions cross-reference a user's information, usually involving any or all of the following processes:

    • Establishing a user's identity.

    • Understanding and verifying the user's activities and the legitimacy of their source(s) of funds.

    • Establishing a risk profile for the customer based on key anti-illegal activity factors like their activities and location.